Virginia Satir's Life Is What Makes A Difference?

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Life is not the way it’s supposed to be, it’s the way it is. The way you cope is what makes the difference.” – Virginia Satir

We all face some though times even now and then . Failures , disappointments , heartaches , and losses are an inevitable part of life . How you react to such situations and the attitude you maintain during difficult times can make a world of difference . Indeed , hard times can build you up and help you to grow and thrive . While it may seem difficult to maintain hope and faith during such times ,the following steps can help you turn your defeat into a growth opportunity .

We all have had one of those days when we felt disappointed , dejected , and hopeless . It have happened so many times . Like that one time when you worked your tail off to achieve a goal _you did your best , you worked relentlessly to make it happen , and you invested much time and energy to turn it into a reality _; and yet, despite all of that , your best does not lead to fruition . Or that time when you prayed for a miracle to happen . You maintained your faith and a positive attitude . You hoped for its manifestation .You keep looking for signs that it is arriving sooner or later .And yet , it never seems to …show more content…

Indeed , when you start viewing advertisies and setbacks as opportunities for growth , you will find a way to transform defeat into victory and to benefit from every roadblock you encounter along your life journey . William Shakespeare has once said "There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so." . That is , it is our thinking and attitude about the problem that troubles us , not the problem itself .Therefore , learn to welcome your problems with a growth and learning attitudes and to treat them as valuable lessons

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