
Life's Inequality In Life In The Iron Mills

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For the lower class in Life in the Iron Mills life sucks, but that’s life right? John F. Kennedy bluntly explains how life is like in three short sentences, “There is always inequality in life. Some men are killed in a war and some men are wounded and some men never leave the country. Life is unfair.” While there is no war in this book, it is true for some of the characters that life is truly unfair, in fact in severely unfair. The difference in social classes shows how the Marxist analysis approach can be applied to Life in the Iron Mills. Social structure wasn’t always present in society, in fact towards the start of the human race, everyone was actually equal. Sure, there were the hunters and there were the gathers, but they realized they …show more content…

When Kirby, Mitchell, Clarke, and Doctor May discuss Wolfe’s statue Davis describes it as being, “[N]ot one line of beauty or grace in it; a nude woman’s form, muscular, frown coarse with labor … the tense, rigid muscles, the clutching hands, the wild, eager face, like that of a starving wolf” (page 13). Because she compares the statue to a staving wolf one would assume that she is hungry; what the rich men don’t understand is that she is not hungry for food, but for something much greater. The Korl Woman represents the lower class’ hunger for freedom; to escape the horrific life they’re living for the green grass on the other side. The men can’t see this though because they’ve never dealt with being in poverty, therefore, they don’t understand the true meaning of it. The difference of social classes in Life in the Iron Mills is gigantic. The upper class and the lower class are so far from each other they are like a slaveholder and their slaves. For one life is great and the other life sucks. There is a substantial amount of evidence on the book to prove so. Inequality will be evident in society until someone steps up and does something about it. The characters in the story were too afraid to bring about a social reform and this ultimately led to their

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