Quantitative Research Design

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Research Design This is a quantitative type research. Research is conducted in the form survey method which is a cross-sectional survey since all the data was collected at just one time. This survey method was designated to do the analysis on the secondary school teachers work stress in Kuala Selangor district. The instrument used in this study was the close-ended type of questionnaire with the Likert scale. There are five parts in the questionnaire such as the following:
Part A is about the demographics information. This section required the respondents to provide personal information such as age, gender, race, marriage status, teaching experience, interest in teaching, and the period of teaching in one day. This part did not contain …show more content…

The questionnaire consists of 5 parts; Part A was to determine respondents’ demographic and background status. The questions included age, gender, race, marriage status, teaching experience, interest in teaching, and the period of teaching in one day. The other 4 parts are; B) teachers stress level C) sources of teachers stress D) effects of stress E) coping strategies for stress. The questionnaire used the Likert scale to evaluate the responses which is giving more convenient to the respondents to answer as they offer more answer options. Moreover, it is valid and reliable because the data of this study was analysed by SPSS …show more content…

Research question 1 is to find the relationship between stress level and teachers of various races. Thus, the type of statistical analysis used was the Spearman’s Rho correlation. This type of statistical analysis was used because we wanted to measure the relation between the two variables which are nominal and ordinal. The teachers stress level as the ordinal scale and the teachers of various races as the nominal scale. Research question 3 is to find which type of strategies can be used to overcome stress among teachers. Thus, Chi-Square test was used to analyse the data. We wanted to compare the observed and the expected values. Next, for second research question, the other descriptive measure was used to analyse the data of the sample which the skewness. In this type of statistical analysis, from the shape of the distribution or the degree of symmetry of the sample data, we were able to examine the stress level of teacher due to

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