Modernization Theory: The Limitations Of Modernization Theory

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This essay seek to argue about the limitations of modernization theory as modernization can be explained as a system of ideas which are to modify and manipulate a person’s mind so to ensure they get support from the people.
Patil, (2002) argued as to that modernization theory has its own advantages which are to make it look better and limitations that are to criticize modernization, this essay will be based on the focus of limitations. One may ask some questions on what modernization is and what a theory is, the new adaptation of people of indigenous beliefs to the modern belief and a theory can be elaborated as a perspective that of which in combination (modernization theory) as transition from cultural beliefs and values to new modern beliefs …show more content…

But due to modernization taking place on human kinds they were forced to adapt to elimination of traditional beliefs which it main aim was for people to abandon their customs and adopt to their own heterogeneous systems which they imposed to the people. Rostows theory had imposed that there is an absence of technology and modern attitude to the indigenous people as they had no idea on modification this is as evidence that modernizations has brought about change on indigenous nations. In support of that Parsons also argued that modernization had taken place in results to that people were to abandon their own traditional beliefs and customs and values and adopt to the new world which is the world that is …show more content…

For examples in past centuries here in Africa there used to be Khoisan people who made their living through hunting but due to modernization they had to change their living patterns and adopt to new change brought to them leading to the type of species to be now rely on genetically modified food

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