Line Follower Robot Essay

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This project describes the techniques for emerging, scrutinising, scheming, monitoring and improving the food supply delivery within hotel area. A microcontroller based line following robot is advanced to distribute the required food items to the needy consumer. A line follower robot that can detect and follow a line drawn on the floor which is black in colour. An IR sensor can be close-fitting near the food serving tray to sense the serving plate is in tray or not. When it reaches near the consumer table, serving mechanism actuation starts. It highs the tray up to height of the consumer’s table and it serves the food items to the table by pushing the plate easily. After serving, again it returns back to its original position. All actuating mechanism are controlled by time controlled movement. One more IR sensor can be attached with the robot side tray, so that it senses any hindrance present in their way and can alarm.

A Robot is a reprogrammable, multifunctional wheeler-dealer designed to move solid, portions, outfits or specialized devices through adjustable planned gesticulations …show more content…

Currently, there are few types of food ordering and delivering system: a) conventional waiter-serving system, b) self-service buffet system, c) pen-and-paper self-ordering system, d) ‘Kaiten’ conveyor belt system, e) fast-food self-carrying system. The overall idea of this robot is to send the food from the kitchen to the customer’s sitting place. When the order from the customer is send to the kitchen, through ordering system, a signal will send to the robot while the chef locate those dish on the tray of the robot. The robot ‘walkway’ will be at the side of the restaurant so that no collision will happen between the people and the

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