Linux Windows Advantages And Disadvantages

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Every Windows user has faced security issues. Because Windows is the most used OS, hackers and spammers target to Windows automatically.
Windows were originally designed for ease-of-use on a single-user PC without a network connection and without security features.
Microsoft releases security features through its Windows Update service once per month, although some updates were made at shorter intervals when necessary.

Sometimes users of Windows OS face the “BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH”,
Because of the system failed to respond, and force the user to restart the pc which is very frustrating since lots of data were being lost.
However, Linux is much more stable and secured than Windows.
As Linux is community driven, developed by people collaboration and monitored always by the developers from every single …show more content…

Ease Of Use:
Linux: GNU/Linux operating systems have an excessive learning curve for the user.
They require a deeper understanding of the underlying system to perform day-to-day functions, and troubleshooting technical issues can be a more complicated process than on Windows. some distributions such as Ubuntu and Linux Mint are designed in order to ease the process from Windows to Linux.
Windows: Windows is one of the easiest operating systems.
An important design characteristic is user-friendliness and simplicity of basic system tasks. This is very important to users who want their system to “just work”
But some users will be frustrated by oversimplification of system tasks at the expense of fine grained control over the system.

Linux: Linux is reliable and secured. Basically it focuses on on process management, system security, and uptime.
Windows: even though Microsoft Windows has made great improvements in reliability recently, it 's still considered less reliable than Linux.

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