
Literary Analysis Of Rem Koolhaas's Delirious New York

1021 Words5 Pages
Epoka University
Faculty of Architecture and Engineering
Department of Architecture

PhD. Ernest Shtepani Shasivar Rada ID:02021120

Delirious New York
Retroactive Manifesto for Manhattan
Rem Koolhaas

Our role is not to retreat back to the catacombs, but to became more human in skyscraper
Manhattan is the theatre for the terminal stage of western civilization...A mountain range of evidence without manifesto. Rem Koolhaas, observes and begins his retroactive manifesto, a scripted chronology of the stages of Manhattanism, its changing’s and lasting legacies; especially the culture of congestion. Manhattans own metropolitan urbanism and revolutionary lifestyle. Through his optimistic narrative “Delirious New York” he documents the repeated elements and themes in New York’s development and decline that make it a theatre of progress and the capital of timeless crisis. This focuses in particular on the skyscraper as a product of the physical manifestation of Manhattanism on the grid, along with the relationship between this density-focused architecture and the culture of congestion.
The division into five distinct blocks, an anthology covering “Coney Island, The Skyscraper, Rockefeller Center Europeans” and an imaginary appendix, each with further component parts, the book acknowledges its union
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