Write An Essay On The Relationship Between Literature And Politics

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In a general sense, politics pose a great effect on our lives both directly and indirectly. The world of politics is a never-ending cycle of change and yet, like history, it still captures the familiarity of human fate. Literature is often used as a tool or an approach to the political scene, and in my opinion, works very effectively. However, in what way does literature offer effective insight into the political scene? Does it offer us any solutions? To say a relationship exists between literature and politics is not subject to doubt, as is the case in Tawfiq Al-Hakim’s Diary of a Country Prosecutor. The novel is set in early twentieth century rural Egypt, and most of the events circulate around the central mystery of a murder investigation. This paper will further explore the aspects of that relationship while analyzing the author’s use of voice, tone, character representation and dialogue.
The novel is written in the form of a journal spread …show more content…

Literature offers valid insight into the political scene because it serves as a mirror that reflects political events and expressions in a more apprehensible and realistic manner. In addition to that, it offers us solutions by allowing us to visualize alternate realities and pushing us further towards formulating a critical attitude concerning our surroundings. Literary texts may not offer us clear solutions to the political perplexities of today’s world, but they do offer us the critical outlook that permits us to attain these solutions. Diary of a Country Prosecutor offers very concrete critique through the use of devices such as form, voice, dialogue, tone and character representation. However, it does not propose any sense of hope, as it is very dispirited and focuses mainly on criticizing the condition that Egypt’s peasants suffer from, without suggesting any form of

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