Workplace Physical Environment

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CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW The Importance of the Question Asked Many studies have been carried out to investigate the job productivity in all types of workplace physical environment. Most of the study, indicates the important of office designed to the nature of the job and the employee that are going to work in the organization. Job productivity is reaction from employee job performance. Performance of employee is affected by various factors at workplace such as employee itself, objective of the organization and commitment. It is defined as the way to perform the job tasks according to the job description. There are lots of factors that will affect the performance of employee at workplace. These factors include noise, office layout and …show more content…

Block and Stokes (1989) found that the office layout will contribute to the employee productivity. Employee working in the office should be provided with comfortable and convenient space so that they can work efficiently. A good office layout will make employee feel comfortable and are motivated to do their work in the …show more content…

According to Maynard (1934) the objective of the workplace layout should be to reduce the working area so that the employee would use shorter motions and expend less effort when carrying out operations and procedures. The workplace environment is consisting of the elements that could be change such as office temperature, equipment and the processes in the organization. Employee productivity is one of the vital aspects in an organization’s performance. Their productivity could affect the organization whether it turns in a good or a bad way and can change the organization’s fate in instance. Thus, the organization should increase their employee productivity by providing a good workplace environment for them. However, most of the organizations nowadays did not take this matter seriously. For them, their employee should accept how the way the workplace looks and should not bother about the environment. It happens since the employers are only focuses more on to their own comfort at

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