When Look Back In Anger Analysis

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John James Osborne is an outstanding playwright who radicalised British theatre overnight on 8 May 1956. He used some hitherto undiscovered or unexploited themes and subjects offering to challenge the traditional expectations of the audience. Since representation of reality was his great concern, most of his plays seem to be down-to-earth, close to everyday life. Although his plays are not didactic or argumentative like discussion plays, they have some affinities with drama of ideas in that some social and political issues are also raised there for the sake of changing the human condition. His protagonists, apparently misfits in their society, strive to overcome their helplessness and assert their dignity in a discordant world. He presented the hopes and fears of the …show more content…

Jimmy Porter was considered as the mouthpiece for an angry man’s disillusion about the society he lived in. Therefore, John Osborne was reckoned the first of the ‘angry young men.’ As Osborne himself claims, he might not be a member of the ‘angry young men’ whereas it is for sure that Jimmy is the symbol of an angry young man and the theme of anger is evident in Look Back in Anger. It displays the energy, enthusiasm and anger of Jimmy Porter and it was regarded as a reaction against the insensibility of the generation which had grown up during World War II. Jimmy Porter was credited with being “the first young voice to cry out for a new generation that had forgotten the war, mistrusted the welfare state and mocked its established rulers with boredom, anger and disgust” (John Mortimer 183). Moreover, Jimmy Porter was also identified with Osborne when he wrote this play because of the fact that Osborne was also angry at the same things with Jimmy. As Kimball King

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