
Lord Of The Flies Mask Quotes

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Oscar Wilde once wrote: “Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth,”. I think this quote is trying to say that when you give someone a mask, they will tell you anything more openly. This will happen because no one knows who is truly hiding behind the mask. Also, what you say will not be judged as harshly by the people you know since they don’t have any thoughts about you before hand since it is anonymous. However, when you take away the mask, the person will try to keep up the reputation they have in public in order to be socially accepted by others. After analyzing what this quote means, I agree with the main idea of it. I feel that when people aren’t hiding behind something, they …show more content…

A boy named Ralph is elected leader of the group of boys and Jack is elected to be a hunter and craves the power that Ralph currently has. Ralph tells Jack to go hunt for some food for the boys to eat dinner. While Jack is searching for food, he runs into a pig. He wants to kill the pig so the boys have something to eat for dinner, however, he is unable to do this because he feels that he will be judged by the others for killing the pig right away. He also doesn’t kill the pig because he wants to keep the good reputation he has with the other boys so he could possibly have a chance at gaining Ralphs’ power. In a later chapter, he is given a second chance to kill the pig. Before killing the pig, he paints his face in red, white and black with charcoal. The charcoal and red and white covers his face and acts as a mask for him. “He capered toward Bill, and the mask was a thing on its own, behind which Jack hid, liberated from shame and self-conscious,” (64). This quote shows that Jack is hiding a behind mask, and while behind the mask, he is able to kill the pig. The mask helps him forget about what happened earlier because he now feels he is able to kill without having to keep his reputation for the

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