
Louis Riel Hero Essay

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Who is Louis Riel? He was a Métis born in 1844. However most importantly, Riel was the leader of the Métis during their rebellions. He will forever be remembered for his role in the Red River and the Northwest Rebellion. Some may see him as a traitor for leading a rebellion on his own country. However, many others think of him as a hero for fighting for the rights of the Métis. This essay discusses some of the many reasons why Riel is in fact, a hero. Riel is a hero because society and the government were worse, he has the aspects of a hero, and he had good intentions.

The Métis had been greatly mistreated by the English. They were first angered when a Pemmican Proclamation was issued, which banned the Métis from trading pemmican with the …show more content…

Courage, integrity, but in general, an admirable person. Riel definitely had all the attributes of a hero. First of all, he was brave. Riel had a lot of bravery by taking the risks of leading not just the Red River Rebellion, but the Northwest rebellion as well. He had the courage to speak up for his people. Riel can also be admired for his intellect, as he was literate and well educated. Very intelligent indeed, he was also an excellent public speaker and fluent in English, French and Métis. Riel was smart to set up a provisional government and draft the Métis Bill of Rights to ensure that the Métis retained their traditions and rights. His leadership virtue can be considered heroic as well. The Métis looked up to Riel, and turned to him for guidance. Many modern heroes were leaders, for example Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi was the superior leader of the Indian independence movement. The Northwest and Red River rebellions are similar to the Indian independence movement because they’re both about a group of people revolting against society. Riel was also thoughtful, he truly cared about the Métis. After being banished from Canada and living in the United States for 15 years, he returned to Canada to fight for their rights. He could had just simply just continued living his peaceful life as a teacher, but he didn’t. In general, he was a good person. Even though the English hurt the Métis, he didn’t want to hurt them. Even when Thomas Scott, a member …show more content…

Riel is not a traitor because the way society treated the Métis forced them to rebel. Even after one rebellion, the Métis were still deprived from their rights. Clearly, a peaceful resolution couldn’t be met. Riel is also a hero because he’s an admirable person. He has demonstrated that he’s a great leader, he’s brave, intelligent, and caring. His intentions were pure is another reason why Riel is a hero. He just wanted the Métis to receive their rights and treated equally, nothing more. John Schultz published anti-Métis articles and spread lies about Riel. Even though Riel wasn’t the one to execute Scott, everyone blamed him for it. Riel is painted as cruel traitor, but all he wanted to do was help the Métis. Riel’s actions may be frowned upon by some, but many respect what he has done, there is even a holiday dedicated to him. His legacy and what he did for his people will go down in

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