Luther King Jr Outline

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Reading Title: Martin Luther king jr.

Thesis: 100
Martin Luther King Jr. was part of the 'Black Movement'. He was the leader of the 'Montgomery Improvement Association' which helped lead the black people to a civil rights movement. The Montgomery bus boycott had started before King became the leader of MIA. The Montgomery Bus Boycott would have happened even if King did not become the leader, all of the events that happened would have still occurred. King was a role model to you black people in America. He had a no violence policy when he was the leader he took action without using violence or creating violence as a reaction.

Summary: 26
Martin Luther King Jr. was the leader of an activists group, where he tried to help the African-Americans by getting them freedom without using or causing violence.

Critical Analysis: 389
“Martin Luther King Jnr.: Charismatic Leadership in a Mass Struggle.” written by Claybourne Carson. The main ideas presented in the reading was Martin Luther king Jr., his leadership and the changed in rights of black people. Evidence that is provided is linked to the main ideas of Martin Luther king Jr., his leadership and the changed in rights of black people. It is convincing to the reader and is an interesting way to explain what happened during Kings' life and his time as leader and how it influenced the way the black people …show more content…

The evidence would need to show exactly what King did. There is only the one main thesis about 'Martin Luther King Jr. and how he helped the black people'. I have heard this message about the racism before as well as others similar messages. The thesis applies to racism and what King did to help the black people and is. The information provided in the reading and the lecture 'social change is all the information I know about Martin Luther King Jr. and his leadership and role in the black people's