Lymphatic System Research Paper

997 Words4 Pages

Lymphatic System:
Lymphatic system is a complex network of tissue and organ which help the body to get rid of unnecessary material. [KAZ (2015)]
Function of lymphatic system:
It has three functions:
1. Returns the excess tissue fluid to blood.
2. From the digestive system it absorbs fat and fat-soluble material.
3. It defense against the diseases or invading microorganism.
[Douketis (2013)]
It consists of:
1. lymph
2. lymph Vessels
3. Organs
[MacGill (2015)]
It is a fluid that is derived from blood plasma. It passes from capillary walls to the arterial end. Whenever tissue fluid started to accumulate, the lymphatic vessels collect it and remove it and returned to the blood. By this action it prevents it to cause edema and to maintain the normal blood pressure and volume. The tissue fluid is called lymph as it enters into the lymph capillaries. [MacGill (2015)]

Lymphatic vessels:
It carries fluid away from the tissue. The smallest vessel of lymphatic system is the lymph capillaries. Except bone marrow, central system and tissues they are present in all over the body. Lymph capillary is made up of …show more content…

They are small and they have bean-shaped structure which is made up of lymphatic tissue. Along the lymphatic routes, lymph nodes are found throughout the body. They are widely spreaded in the areas around the axillary nodes, inguinal nodes, cervical nodes and popliteal nodes. Actually the lymph contains lymphocyte which enters from the bloodstreams through specialized vessels called high endothelial venules. Along with the antigens the lymph drains in to the nodes through in coming lymphatic vessels and by travelling through the lymph nodes it comes in contact with lymphocytes and it activate them now lymph’s carry deactivated lymphocytes’ with them and they exist the node through the outgoing vessel and then it enters in to the blood streams from where they are distributed throughout the

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