Theatre Aesthetics

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Abstract: My paper is based on a research of influence of many Slovenian theatre artists who were guests in Macedonian theatres, or there plays were established on Macedonian Theatre Stages. I would like to present an idea of collaboration between these two different theatre aesthetics. And especially to research the reasons for it, the socio-political context and concrete framework (1913-2013). Then, I will represent a list of all Slovenian theatre artists and their performances in Macedonian professional Theatres. Finally I will analyze influence or impact of their poetics on Macedonian theatre, and vice versa. Македонскиот и словенечкиот театар имаат свои непрекинати релации. Релации што се базираат на сличната и блиска театарска традиција, …show more content…

For example, the role of the plays of Dušan Jovanović was discussed in his book of plays, which will be mentioned several times in this study, where Liljana Mazova, editor, states that “Dušan Jovanović was present on the theatre scene in Macedonia since the autumn of 1978, when the director Slobodan Unkovski started preparing the play Liberation of Skopje on the repertoire of the Drama Theatre, shortly after the opening night in Zagreb (KPGT) and the premiere in Ljubljana (Drama at Slovenian National Theatre, directed by Ljubisha Georgievski)”. (Mazova, in Jovanović (2007: 390-391)). This connection is not broken and lasts until today. Jovanović has been produced seven times on Macedonian stages, apart from the already mentioned Liberation of Skopje (Drama Theatre - Skopje, 1978; National Theatre - Shtip, 1979 directed by Simeon Gavrilov and Macedonian National Theatre in 2002, directed by Srgjan Janikjievikj), Millitary Secret (Macedonian National Theatre in 1984, directed by Dushan G. Naumovski), The Karamazovs (Drama Theatre - Skopje, 1984 directed by Paolo Magelli), Antigone (National Theatre - Kumanovo, 1993, directed by Lenka Udovički) and Provincial playboy (National Theatre "Jordan Hadji Konstantinov – Gjinot” - Veles, 2002, directed by Vladimir Talevski) were also

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