Magic Realism Essay

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“Magical realism combines realism and the fantastic in such a way that the magical elements grow organically out of the reality portrayed”. (Faris. 169)

The form of magic realism offers an ingenious and effective means of screening the “real” living experiences. Literary works are drawn ahead the conventions of both realism and fantasy or myth. In previously colonized countries numerous ‘schools’ of literature emerged which attempted to coalesce the old pragmatic tradition with elements variously referred to as the supernatural or magic.
The interwoven between natural and supernatural has made magic realism stand on its own. Many people think that magic realism stories are not much vary from other stories such as the gothic stories. However …show more content…

The finding would also serve as a guide or insight for future studies on magic realism in contemporary novels. Magic realism interwoven both physical realities and psychological as one. It is “real” because it takes place in the real world and “magic” because it incorporates dreams, fantasies, and emotions as part of the real world. Time exists in a variety of timeless variability and the unreal happens as part of reality.
In this study, the Midnight’s Children by Salman Rushdie is selected as it provides rich resources to analyze the characteristics of magic realism used in everyday life. The term “magic realism” was first introduced by Franz Roh, a German art critic. The term magic realism made its way to the literary genre in the 1930s, when the works of Latin American novelists and short story writers were renowned in a new trend – ‘magical realism’. It was a way to convey the realistic American mentality and generate a self-directed style of literature and it seizes the irony in the amalgamation of

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