An Experiment With Truth By Mahatma Gandhi Essay

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History is often written with bias: the heroes become greater; the villains more base. The play,An Experiment with Truthhighlights a series of historic episodes in quick succession and the inner struggle in Gandhi’s mind. To depict this struggle the playwrightAsifCurrimbhoy has resorted to the ‘stream of Consciousness technique’ and as Bayapa Reddy mentioned perhaps for the first time in the history of Indian drama in English.An Experiment with Truthis not intended as a criticism but is intended as a fact of life; most of the people do admit the fact that great men have great faults. Currimbhoy proclaims that Gandhi should not be deified, as he was also a human with his blemishes and attainments. Key words:Historic drama, Mahatma Gandhi, realism, influence, bias. An Experiment with Truth is an attempt at a dramatization of certain episodes in the later life of Mahatma Gandhi. The play begins with the first attempt of murder on the Mahatma and ends with his assassination. It highlights some significant episodes in Mahatma’s life - his relation with the untouchable girl Manu, salt march, Kasturba’s death and the Mahatma’s martyrdom. …show more content…

Gandhi’s life, character and personality have fascinated the writers of that time. Gandhi exercised a potent influence on Indian life and literatures, both directly and indirectly through the movements generated by his revolutionary thought and practice.Though Gandhi’s influence is a significant phenomenon in the history of Indian literature, Indian drama in English has not produced many noteworthy representations of the Gandhian impact. Prior to Currimbhoy, BharatiSarabai’sThe Well of the People (1943) based on a Gandhian theme and K.S. Rangappa’sGandhi’s Sadhana(1969) seeks to dramatize Gandhi’s

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