They respected the earth and the animal people. A huge custom of the Ojibway people was when they would get assigned an animal. Even when Oona became a woman and started working on a farm they still practiced the old customs and the old way of
They were never a big tribe, and their numbers diminished rapidly. Today their numbers are rising back and higher than they ever were. The Poncas were a small tribe of indians that had along history, were forced to move to Oklahoma, today they have a totally different way of life. The Ponca tribe was part of another tribe called omaha when it was formed in the great lakes region. They separated from the omaha in the early 1800s while they migrated to Nebraska and South Dakota.
(Louis F. Burns, 2004). The Osage Indians are a seminomadic tribe. They were known for their hunting, gardening and foraging (Louis F. Burns, 2004). They would hunt buffalo, deer, rabbit and other wild animals in the central and eastern parts of their domain (James O. Dorsey, 1888). While the men of the Osage tribe were responsible for the hunting, the women were known to butcher and prepare the meat by drying or smoking methods and they also gathered and grew plants in that area (Burns, L. F, 2004).
The main factor deciding what they hunted and how they lived was their location. The Shoshone were located in the Great Basin. The Western Shoshones’ primarily hunted fish, birds, rabbits, and gathered rice. The Eastern and Northern Shoshones’ hunted buffalo and lived the plains lifestyle.
The Navajo had a diet of corn, small game, and fruit. The Navajo had a stationary home so they could farm. During the 1600's the Navajo gained sheep, not only providing a source of food, but wool to weave into their beautiful works of art. Comparatively, the Shoshone had a
This essay is about the ancient Blackfoot Indians. This is the way the Blackfoot Indians met their food need. The men hunted buffalo, and small game like ground squirrels, nuts, berries, and steamed camas roots. The ancestors of the Blackfoot Indians was living in buffalo-hide tepees. Since the Blackfeet moved frequently to follow the buffalo herd so the tepees had to be specially designed to set up and break down quickly.
Shoshone Shoshone is interesting to know about because they speak a different language and do thing different. Some Shoshone speak English. They also hunt for animals to eat. But the Shoshone a small Native American. The Shoshone Indian were not a large group.
How did the Navajo indians get food? The Navajo Indians got food by growing crops. In the crops they grew beans, squash, melons, and sunflower seeds. They also hunted rabbits, deer, antelope, and they also caught fish with a stick a long piece of string. When the Spanish came they introduced pet sheep and goats so the Navajo indians started keeping herds of sheep and goats for meat and wool The Navajo Indians wanted the wool to trade and to make clothes out of the wool and to keep warm .
They are both from Oklahoma and Florida. I chose this tribe because it seems like they have been through alot and I wanted to know how the Europeans treated them. Culture/Clothing In Seminole culture all families are matrilineal, that means everything is traced through the mother's line and children are already apart of the mother's clan. Uncles also play a big part in the kids life, the kids get trained by their uncles and they usually always come from the mother's side.
Their territory extended south to North Carolina. To the west, it stretched to Illinois, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. Many different tribes lived in this region. Some were the Mohican, Abenaki, Penobscot, Pequot, Delaware, Mohawk, Oneida, Ojibwa, Sauk, and Illinois’’ The northeast (1).
Another difference between the Iroquois and the Cherokee beliefs is that the Iroquois think the animals exist to help and provide aid to humans, while the Cherokee understand the frustration and dislike of the animals towards the humans. The Iroquois state that as the woman fell from the sky, the the sea birds “immediately consulted with each other as to what they could do to help her” and the rest of the animals “came to her
The Three Sisters (Corn, Beans, Squash) were some foods that the Iroquois ate. Also the Iroquois hunted and fished for their food. They hunted Deer, Beaver, Geese, and other
The had many tribe like most . indigenous parts including the Chinook. The Chinook was a very large Tribe. So large even they have there own language called “Chinook”. The Chinook made many different thing than the Iroquois such as totem poles and large canoes.
The Haida lived by the water and would fish and hunt for elk and deer. They cooked their food on heated rocks or dried the fish. They made their tools out of stones. The Iroquois lived on good farming land . They used farming as their main source of food with corn, beans and squash being the main crops.
They fished for mostly salmon, and collected native plants and roots like the camas bulb. “Buffalo served as the most significant source of food and raw material for the tribe 's” (History of the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes). They would go around collecting foods to eat during the winter months. The Bannocks may have had to work for quite a bit of they year but they still found time to play games and have very amusing traditions.