Malabar In Malabar

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The treaty of Sreerangapattanam in 1792 was the turning point in the history of Malabar. During this period the Company involved in the economic and political matters of the Malabar. Soon after, they implemented several laws for protecting their economic motives. This study analyzes that the Company’s role in Malabar and their change from the level of merchant companies to the admintrators of Malabar. Apart from this, the study focuses on the responses from the natives after the intervention of the Company to the Malabar. After the treaty, the Company entered several agreements with the indigenous rulers. Several rulers were exiled from Malabar at the time of Tippu’s invasion. But the Company denied the demands of that rulers for restore …show more content…

However, this new law created a free space for the cultivation of spices and the trade in Malabar without any barriers. It was more helpful to the land owners to strengthened their symbiotic relationship with the English East India Company. In turn, the Company desired the support of the higher castes. Moreover, the Company continued the prohibitions in the slave trade and the arms trade in Malabar. In the case of slaves, their identity were closely bound up with the land of their master and the slaves of all castes were held as entirely impure and therefore, compelled to keep a stipulated distance from the upper strata of the …show more content…

Richard, the collector and the judge of the district. On this consideration he took the survey of lands for the purpose of the assessment and to calculate the revenue of Malabar. In rice grounds, they allotted one third of rice to the peasant for the expense of the cultivation of the gross produce of the seed. And it remains divided into six tenth into the Company and the four tenths to the Jenmakar . In the parambu lands one third of the production of the coconut and supary tree allotted to the kudian (tenant). The remaining pattom equally shared by the Company and jenmakar (land owner) of the

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