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1. Define yourself or give your autobiography through the appropriate time frame. I am Mrs. Alison Marshall, a peasant farmer and investor in Felton. I was born on 27 April 1948 in the Borough of Felton, one of the iconic neighborhoods in Pennsylvania. I am proud to say that I have been living in Felton since birth, and witnessed the massive and significant changes in the political, social, and economic scene of the area.
The Seeger family have been the front runners of American creativity for almost a century. They are known for their many contributions to music in America. After their time in the spotlight they seemed to fade in to the background of the whole music scene, they did not disappear they just all went their own ways in terms of life and jobs. The Seegers have enriched the American way of life with their music and scholarships. Peggy Seeger is the daughter of Charles and Ruth Crawford Seeger, sister of Mike Seeger and half-sister of Pete Seeger.
Also, she furthered her education in medicine at several medical institutions including Johns Hopkins Hospital. She worked
The life of the woman who accomplished what seemed to be impossible back during her lifetime, Winifred Merrill, begins in the year of 1862 on September 24 in the lovely city of Ripon, Wisconsin. Who her parents were and if she had any other family members or siblings is unknown. Throughout her youth, Merrill had the utmost pleasure of being educated privately which took her into her first years of college, the first college she attended was all the way in Massachusetts which was Wellesley College. After a couple years until 1883, she received her bachelor 's degree and bounced from Wellesley to Harvard University for about a year then bounced again to Columbia University where she remained and worked to get her PHD. Although Merrill was also
When she turned 18, Sampson’s indentured servitude was over, and she provided for herself by teaching school and weaving during the winter. Sampson eventually married Benjamin Gannett, having three children and adopting another. The family lived in Sharon, Massachusetts in poverty. In 1797, Herman Mann helped her publish a biography of her life called “The Female Review,” sparking interest in her and she became the first female public speaker in America, going on a tour through New England and parts of New York beginning in 1802. The government of Massachusetts awarded her a $4.00 pension in 1805, partially due to the urges of Paul Revere, which they doubled in 1818.
Jane Addams The Progressive Era, 1890-1920, accomplished great change in the Unites States of America. Many reformers and activits demanded for change in education, food and drug policies, and most importantly the govermenet. The goal for the movement was the purify the nation. One of the main activits during this time was Jane Addams. Jane Addams is often refered to as a social and political pioneer.
According to goodtherapy.org, Margaret began college at the early age of 16, attending Vasser College in Poughkeepsie, New York. The electronic source goodtherapy.org states, “When she graduated from Vassar in 1891, she wanted to study at Columbia University. At that time, women weren 't generally permitted in graduate programs; Washburn was permitted to sit in on classes at Columbia as an observer. She went on to attend the Sage School of Philosophy at Cornell to work with experimental psychologist E.B. Titchener, who founded the theory of psychological structuralism.
While serving as First Lady, Roosevelt spent most of her time developing her own social and political causes, ultimately expanding her duties. Dr. Katherine Jellison has studied extensively on the topic of first ladies, and serves as chair of the history department at Ohio University. According to Jellison, Eleanor Roosevelt "is the first first lady to have press conferences, she is the first first lady to have a significant number of staff working for her- she is the one who made the role of first lady as high profile as it is today. " In effect, Roosevelt completely changed the basis for which the presidential spouse should be to.
Certain aspects of existence during the Early Modern period are frequently difficult to ascribe to modern and definitive concepts of the private and public spheres. As Erica Longfellow asserts, even areas typically identified as ‘private and personal – family, religious belief, sexuality – were understood to have economic and communal resonances’ beyond individual interest. Although definitions of these terms signal a critical ‘lack of unified agreement,’ generally the ‘public’ denotes that which has collective or national relevance. Consequently, the cases of Dorothy Waugh and Anne Askew represent instances of marginalised voices made public. Both respective theological dissents and resulting punishments entered contemporary public view and
Millions of people are born each year, but few have a significant impact on human society and thought. It takes a unique individual to make a difference in a world as self-centered as ours. Two wonderful examples of these people are Jane Goodall, one of the most famous primatologist and anthropologist, and Sylvia Earle, a leading marine biologist, oceanographer, and explorer. Both of these women broke the limitations in their respected fields and stood out from other scientists in their line of work, but this came at the cost of having a rather difficult personal life. Jane Goodall was born on April 3, 1934, in London.
Lucy Cooke is around 14-16 years old and she is a grade A student and she is one of the few students who takes nine O-levels and her school wants her to be their big success. She is really smart and the second best in her school. Lucy just wants to be acknowledged by others in her school, one of the most typical problems that many of us may experience in our adolescent.
Mary Whiton Calkins was a famous psychologist who is well-known for her research in self-psychology. Calkins described the conscious self is fundamental to understand other forms of psychology. She also mentioned that self is the center of all types of relationships we make to ourselves and the physical world. Many psychologist have argued whether self has a body or it is different from the body. In addition, Calkins also considered self as an essential part of our body but she believed self does not consist in the body.
Notable psychologists namely Sigmund Freud, Melanie Klein and
In “ From the Grasmere Journals” by Dorothy Wordsworth, she writes journal depicting her daily life, while doing her daily activities along her brother William in the 1800s. Throughout the journal, she uses several abbreviations such as “WM” and “NB”. The purpose for these is to signify that she is talking to herself and is intended for her to understand it. From the given passages, she divides the journal through several passages from different dates where she wrote each passage starting from April 12 until April 21. As a result, the reader manages to envision the different aspects of Dorothy’s life each day based on the details.
Notable psychologists namely Sigmund Freud, Melanie Klein and Anna