Marketing Research System Essay

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The marketing research system that applied by Sales and Marketing department of Hitachi Ltd has include three main functions which are describing more details about customers’ and market trends , evaluation and help in decision making.
First, Sales and Marketing department need to know what their customers’ need, find out information about markets, target markets and trends. The diagram 1 shows the way for this department to find out the result is having a marketing research through qualitative marketing research, quantitative marketing research and quasi-quantitative marketing research. Marketing research system will give a full and accurate description about the details of customers, such as name, age and the type of product that they had …show more content…

This is because through this system, Sales and Marketing department can get the more details explanations about the marketing problems that their company is facing. This system can also provide reasons for the possible problems that they are facing and also useful solutions to the marketing manager or management. Through the explanations, marketing manager will mark the market changes and also warning signals in the business of the company. Since the problems occurred, it is more easily for the company to solve the problems immediately. This function save the staffs’ time and also their efforts from keep on searching what is the source of problems that company faced without any …show more content…

This system can gives a forecast to the marketing manager or management of Hitachi Ltd about their company’s future development. For example, the future sales, future risks, future market opportunities and environment can be predicted by using this system. Although those predictions may not be so accurate but it helps marketing manager and management to make a future plan for company and also policies before the problems occur. It helps to take advantages of tapping opportunities. It also helps to minimize the risks by taking suitable actions. This function can also predict is there is the demand for company’s products, so the company will know whether or not to produce the

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