Describe The Relationship Between Jesus And Mary Magdalene

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Afterwards, Mary Magdalene shed tears of joy on the feet of Jesus because she was so happy that she had been pregnant with his child for three months and that, therefore, Jesus and Mary Magdalene were “finally married.” Mary wiped her tears from the feet of Jesus with her hair and, on the second occasion of the two-part ceremony, she wept. All of these things signify the “Second Anointing” or “Marital Anointing” of a dynastic heir.

Other anointing of Messiahs (whether on coronation or admission to the senior priesthood) were always conducted by men: by the High Zadok or the High Priest. The oil used was olive oil, mixed with cinnamon and other spices, but never spikenard. Spikenard was the express prerogative of a Messianic bride who …show more content…

Therefore, after the “Betrothal Feast,” Jesus and Mary Magdalene withdrew to their “Betrothal Suite” that Joseph of Arimathea had prepared for them in one of the principal bedrooms of his mansion - with high ceilings and a huge fireplace - that opened into the gardens and a beautiful fountain. After a long sensuous bath and prayers and meditation, Jesus and Mary Magdalene finally consummated their life-long love for each other - as, all the while, the moon shone brightly upon them, and the gentle breezes softly caressed them. Although the “Betrothal” occurred after the “baptism” of Jesus early in his ministry, the condition of Mary’s “pregnancy for three months” would not be fulfilled until “the Second Anointing” that occurred approximately three years later - a mere seven (7) days before the crucifixion - when Mary Magdalene announced to Jesus at her home in Bethany that she had been pregnant for three months, and that, at long last, Mary Magdalene and Jesus were “finally married.”

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