Alderfer's Theory Of Motivation Essay

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This theory of motivation describing five levels of human needs and arguing that basic needs must fulfilled before people work to satisfy higher- level needs.

The National commercial Bank human resource management practices promote personal and professional employee development, diversity at all levels and empowerment. Employees are recognized as valid partners with the right to fair labour practices, competitive wages and benefits as well as a safe, harassment free, family-friendly work environment. It is fair to align these operational principles with the Maslow’s theory of motivation; that is Psychological needs, which is offered through remuneration policy that is competitive and that recognizes and rewards good Performance, meeting employees …show more content…

Maslow's fourth and fifth levels. This includes desires to be creative and productive, and to complete meaningful tasks.
ERG theory prioritizes in terms of the categories' concreteness. Existence needs are the most concrete, and easiest to verify. Relatedness needs are less concrete than existence needs, which depend on a relationship between two or more people. Finally, growth needs are the least concrete in that their specific objectives depend on the uniqueness of each person.
However Alderfer’s ERG motivation theory differs from Maslow's theory in three ways:
1. A lower level need does not have to be gratified (i.e., a person may satisfy a need at hand, whether or not a previous need has been satisfied);
2. If a relatively more significant need is not gratified, the desire to gratify a lesser need will be increased (i.e., the frustration in meeting high-order needs might lead a person to regress to a more concrete need category);
3. Alderfer's ERG theory allows the order of the needs to differ for different people (e.g., it accounts for the "starving artist" who may place growth needs above existence

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