Essay On Memory And Memory

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Memory is an integral part of life. Recalling the detail of particular event and bring them to the current awareness clear and sharp. There are many people who feel that they easily forget thins or lack enough concentration to remember things, such as what's the date today? most people look at their newspaper or watch.
To improve ability memory requires slightly more effort. Memory, like other powers, must be cultivated and practiced. There are simple ways, which you can follow to keep your memory in shape:
1. Healthy Food
- eating foods rich in essential fatty acids can improve brain function considerably, including memory and concentration. Foods such as such as salmon, herring, tuna, halibut, and mackerel; walnuts and walnut oil; flaxseed …show more content…

Though more research needs to be done, some studies have found that moderate drinkers do better on certain tests of memory and cognition than non drinkers and heavy drinkers. Too much drinking will have a negative effect on the cells of the brain related to memory. Studies have found that Drinking a glass of wine a day (but not more) has been correlated with a reduced risk of dementia.
5. Reduce stress
The studies have found that chronic over-secretion of the common stress hormones can cause a decline in brain function, especially memory. Stress causes an increase of cortisol levels in the bloodstream.This hormone can interfere with newrutransmitter funtion, causing memory problems and reduced concentration.
6. Exercise your mind with games
This gives you the double impact of improving your memory and having something to do during boring moments. They more help your memory stay in shape. Backgammon, chess, puzzles and many other board games, offer you entertainment and also help you improve memory.
7. Good sleep habits
Getting a good night’s sleep is absolutely necessary to get through the work day while having a clear mind and having focus. Sleep disorders like insomnia and sleep apnea leave you tired and unable to concentrate during the day. Research has shown that it takes at least 6 hours of sleep for the memory to function at its maximum potential.
8. Pay attention and

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