Mental Disorders In Jane Eyre By Charlotte Bronte

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Jane Eyre Why would a person see themselves as mentally ill? Voices, actions, and constant reminders from our peers deceive us every day. However, the problem could also be based on oneself. This happens through our questioning. More specifically, when one's mind is taking over. Does one ever have a reduced ability to concentrate, excessive fears, and extreme mood changes? Signs of disorders and mental illness are shown through these causes and told all around us. Movies, books, TV shows, in one's own life, or other's lives. In the romance novel, Jane Eyre the Bronte sisters demonstrate this through fiction and the fictional characters' thoughts and feelings. Even though this book is taken as fiction there is an extremely strong sense of …show more content…

Multiple Jane Eyre characters may fall under this category. Of course, this is laid around a self-perspective. However, self-perspectives show individuality and prompt one's true meaning. St. John, Mrs. Reed, and Eliza Reed would be classified as cluster one characters. Mrs. Reed was a whole ordeal, to say the least. She was almost jealous of her husband's love for Jane. It got to a point where overthinking came into the situation. She had a constant need to do something right and got worried when she didn't even do anything. Sarah Reed would be classified with paranoia. Next, Eliza Reed was taken from the perspective of wanting to self-associate herself. She never wanted a family and tended solitary. This is otherwise known as a schizoid personality disorder. She always wanted life to be by herself and eventually, she got it. The last disorder in cluster one is schizotypal. St. John Rivers is a cold, and reserved person. He is controlling in his interactions with others which puts him under this …show more content…

Avoidant, dependent, and obsessive are the separate categories under this. The first example in this cluster is dependent. Whether one is dependent on someone else or dependent in general. A character in Jane Eyre who would show dependent disorders is Edward Rochester. He was very dependent on money and having a nice living. Mr. Rochester would marry for money but the cause of that led to an awful effect, due to his chronic disorder. This cluster also includes an obsessive personality disorder. People can be obsessed over plenty of things. Obsessions are one of the biggest struggles in the world today. However, Charlotte Bronte did a good job of hiding a certain obsession with Grace Polle. As Grace had the constant responsibility of taking care of Berta she began to drink. This later led to the effect of her being addicted and