
Mercantilism And Why Did The Spanish Conquer The Aztecs

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The Spanish were able to conquer the Aztecs for the following three reasons:
1. Even though the Aztec tribe possessed a warrior culture, their army was not a match to that of the Spanish army. The Spanish army’s advanced weapons and army held an advantage over the Aztec people. It was noted that this group of natives were sedentary people, and were unprepared for the Spanish conquistador take-over. While the Spanish army dressed in more protective gear and weaponry (guns) that can wound more people, the Aztec people were less equipped and used spears and arrows.
2. The Aztec culture believed in the worship of many Gods, and believed that these Gods return through reincarnation. When the Spanish arrived, the Aztec tribe were baffled by their …show more content…

What was mercantilism and why did the colonies resent it? What were the key points of John Locke’s Second Treatise of Government and how did this document influence the struggle for American Independence?
Mercantilism is the understanding that the colonies existed in order to benefit the colonizing country. In the case between the colonies and Great Britain, it can informally be described a mother and child relationship. Great Britain, the “mother,” expected the colonies, the “child,” to produce raw materials, ship this to Great Britain. Great Britain would then sell and ship manufactured goods to the colonies in return. The colonies resented this because this placed restrictions, known as the Navigation Acts, which disallowed certain goods to be sold to any other market other than to Great Britain. In example, shipments, such as Tobacco, was required to be shipped via ships provided by Great Britain. These sorts of restrictions placed restraints on independence for the colonies. In dealings with the restrictions that Great Britain was placing on the colonies, and disallowing the colonies to build a government for themselves Lock presented the Second Treatise of Government, contending what the point of the government is. In his view, the point of government is to protect the rights, meaning protecting the life, liberty, and property of the people. Further, his analysis stated the power of the government is given by the people, and if the government executes its power not in the benefit of the people, then the people have the right to overthrow and cease that government’s power. An important point that he argued was the equality of all people, and disregarding the social ranking of an individual, the rule of the law applies to all individuals. The document influence for American Independence in that it influences the initial principles of America. His writing caused an uproar amongst the people, those who agreed with his take and those who did not. His influential

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