Assignment 2 Metacognitive Reading Strategies

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As metacognition is frequently related to reading comprehension, studies have verified that students who become skilled readers demonstrate abilities in identifying important information and using it, monitoring their comprehension, and evaluating execution with revision (Paris & Brown, 1984; Schmitt & Hopkins, 1993; Yang, 2002). In view of this, we explore the fundamental facets of reading strategies in the next section.
2.2.2 Metacognitive reading strategies In determining specific strategies used in reading, Israel (2007) and Pressley and Afflerbach (1995) classified them into three distinctive categories that assist comprehension: planning strategies, monitoring strategies and evaluation strategies:
1. Planning strategies occur prior to reading. Students may activate prior knowledge, examine the genre of the text and begin to make predictions in relation to former experience or learning. They may preread the text by …show more content…

For instance, a reading task may involve reading with a specific purpose to complete an assignment, e.g. in-depth reading, critical reading. However, appraisal is associated with learners´ continuous processing of stimulants from their environment, the progression of the task and comparing current efficiency with anticipated outcomes. The student must plan, monitor, evaluate and apply useful strategies to achieve anticipated results. In linking the association process, learners often identify themselves with how well they accomplished their reading task in comparison to their set goals as well as comparing their achievement with other learners. Finally, action control reinforces scaffolding, the reading task´s enhancement and learning-specific action with the interaction of the self-regulatory system. This specific process monitors progression, execution and appraisal to execute and increase

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