Methodology Research Methodology

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Methodology is a systematic and a well-planned methods that need to be applied to a field of study where the data are important to be collected for analysis. There are various methods in collecting information where the data need to be gathered. It can be done by searching web pages, technical papers, reports, conferences proceedings, project focus groups, conducting interviews with experienced personnel or distributing questionnaire.


In this research, the researcher will collect all the data needed by submitting the survey on passenger experience on baggage handling system. A survey is likely the most efficient way to get the data and feedback from them. Moreover, survey can narrow the search to …show more content…

The writer will create sets of questionnaire which then will be distributed to the targeted population to achieve the objective of this research. So the questionnaire will be distributed to several aviation company in Malaysia and collect the data that has been respond by the responder. Compile all the data and the writer will analyze based on the feedbacks given by the responder.


In this research, the researcher created a set of questionnaire to be distributed to the targeted population. The questionnaire that has been structured contains a total of 20 questions where they are divided into five section; section A, section B, section C, section D and section E. Each section is divided into five sets of question. The reason why the writer divided into section so that the data that has been collected can be easily to analyse to get the information from the responder. Besides that, it helps the writer to summarise all the data into a conclusion to be made in this research. Figure 3: Section A …show more content…

In order to have more accurate and precise data, a larger group of respondents is needed for this research.

Google doc’s usage allow for the data to be automatically be converted into and excel file and also can be converted to pie chart and histogram. However in order to get the mean and standard deviation and other data, the researcher will use other program which is Minitab. This will allow the researcher to get an accurate data on all the survey that have been done

3.11.1 MINITAB

Minitab is a statistics package developed at the Pennsylvania State University by researchers Barbara F. Ryan, Thomas A. Ryan, Jr., and Brian L. Joiner in 1972.
Minitab began as a light version of OMNITAB, a statistical analysis program by NIST; the documentation for OMNITAB was published 1986, and there has been no significant development since then.
Minitab is distributed by Minitab Inc, a privately owned company headquartered in State College, Pennsylvania, with subsidiaries in Coventry, England (Minitab Ltd.), Paris, France (Minitab SARL) and Sydney, Australia (Minitab

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