
Michelangelo And Donatello Research Paper

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Artwork has the power to tell a story. It shows how an artist truly portrays an image and how they felt in the moment of making. It can be raw, expressive, detailed, and when it 's finally put together, you see a vision or a message that the artist is trying to portray. Each person, when looking at different artworks, interprets something different. In the Renaissance, art was used to inspire people and to show true beauty for the time. This paper will reflex on Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Donatello 's artwork and how the Renaissance affected it. The Renaissance was a time that transformed art, culture and education. The Renaissance was between the 14th and 16th century. “It was one of the greatest movements in the culture of …show more content…

“Donatello was not only the great realist who has won general praise, but an artist of strong classical tendencies as well (Sirén. p.440)”. Donatello was the son of a craftsman who was to follow his father’s path. He was educated on learning about metallurgy and using metals. That is where he started to learn about using bronze when he witnessed Lorenzo Ghiberti make a door out of bronze (DonatelloBiography.com). Donatello was one of the greatest sculptures of the Renaissance. According to the article "The Importance of the Antique to Donatello" it states, that Donatello started off his artistic career portraying a bit gothic. Two of his early gothic sculptures were David and Porta della Mandona. The article also states that Donatello’s St. George was a very good example of the classical Early Renaissance. Donatello used a wide verity of techniques and style when making sculptures, putting in a lot of emotions and making each one unique. Some of Donatello’s unique sculptors are Cupid, Mary Magdalen, Piazza del Santo, St. Mark, St. George and many …show more content…

When looking for information on the Renaissance and each artist, I noticed that when reading articles or books about Donatello they didn’t have much on him. That made it difficult to find enough information for this paper. In the article "The Importance of the Antique to Donatello" I thought it was going to give me a lot more information then it did. Some strengths the article had was that it contained artwork of Donatello and some information about the type of style he would use. The weakness was that the article did not have much about his life story or when he started to become a sculptor. I think the author’s goal was to discus Donatello, his work and how it was portrayed in the Renaissance, which is something the author did but not enough. If the author found more facts and information, I could have used them to help me write more about Donatello. In the textbook by Cole and Symes they as well don’t give much information on Donatello. They have pictures of his artwork comparing his David to Michelangelo’s but not much information. I do feel the textbook helped me to understand Donatello more then the article. I felt the textbook was more precise and to the point which

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