Michelangelo Research Paper

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Michelangelo was born Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni on March 6, 1475 in Caprese, Italy. Michelangelo was the second oldest out of five boys. Lionardo (1473), Michelangelo (1475), Buonarroto (1477), Giovansimone (1479), Gismondo (1481). He was an Italian renaissance sculptor, architect, painter, and poet. Some of his artworks include David in 1504, Bacchus in 1497, Madonna of Bruges in 1504, The Sistine Chapel ceiling in 1508-1512, and The Last Judgement in 1541. David was created to represent the hero David, but later was removed from piazza gallery and put in Florence to protect it from damage. This sculptor is a seventeen foot piece of marble. Bacchus was completed by Michelangelo when he was just twenty-two years old. The statue