Miles's First Appropriate Interventions

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Due to Miles age of three, most treatments and interventions will likely be centered on games. Miles fifth and final goal is to improve physical abilities particularly the ability to purposefully and successfully move the right elbow, wrist and hand. To assist with this goal, the therapist assistant should provide Miles with an activity with a purposeful goal to facilitate purposeful movement. Appropriate interventions would be games like pass with a ball like a baseball and magnetic darts. These task involve the movement of the hands, wrist and elbow, in order to complete the tasks. Multiple adaptation can be made to the task as well to help or challenge facilitation, such as the size and weight of the dart or ball, the distance and size of the target, the position being thrown from …show more content…

The two handled cup facilitates the use of both side of the body as well as gross motor coordination. It also facilitates independence with feeding. Adaptation to the cup can be made like changing the weight of the cup or the size of the handles. The cup is also relatively inexpensive and easily cleaned. One of the concern is that if Miles still requires the device as he gets older, he may associated the device as a ‘sippy cup’ due to its appearance. Second: Long handled washing stick Like the first assistive device, the long handled washing stick also benefits two goals. The major one is the assistance in the bath to help Miles effectively clean himself independently. This device will also help increase Miles ROM without fully compensating for the limited amount the ROM as Miles still has to move his shoulder and elbow to utilize the device properly. One of the concerns with the device is that Miles may use it more as a compensation device. This can be avoided by teaching Miles proper use and correcting any improper use early

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