Essay On Minimum Till

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The effect of minimum, low or no till on plant disease development.
Minimum, low or no till are all practices of cultivation on a soil bed. Will shall discuss methods and cultivations and the effect each of them have on disease development. Will look at both the advantages and disadvantages and look at some ways to prevent the plant disease development in a crop. We will also look at some experiments carried out on the cereal and grass crops to gain an insight on which methods suffers the most from disease development. For a disease to occur on a plant it must have a host which is susceptible to the disease, a pathogen which is a virulent and the environmental conditions for the disease to develop on. If any of the following three aren’t present it then this will eliminate any chance of disease …show more content…

Minimum tillage can also reduce the amount of soil which is eroded and also reduce the amount of nutrients being lost in the soil as non-inversion tillage was used. Using the minimum tillage method has also beneficial effects on the biological activity on the soil this is helped by the crop residues on the soil. As you can see there are many positives and benefit’s using the minimum tillage on crops as long as correct methods of care and procedures are carried out. There is also a problem if correct procedures aren’t preformed with disease development and pest infestation. The presence of the residue on the soil surface from the previous crop creates the ideal environment for the development of pests and diseases for the emerging crop as it has the perfect inoculums for pathogen growth. With good crop rotation, a judicious choice of varieties, effective stubble cultivation and an appropriate use of crop protection products, the risk of pests and diseases developing is reduced. (, also the use of genetically modified seeds could also help stop the development of diseases. Minimum tillage on winter

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