Botswana After Independence Case Study

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Topic of Investigation: What Factors Contributed to Botswana being seen as “The Miracle of Africa since independence” from 1965-1995 and is this an accurate assessment of the country?
For many centuries the African continent had been colonized by European settlers who’d settled in Africa after they had colonized various parts of Africa. Many of these colonized nations were extremely valuable to the settlers and their colonial powers as the continent of Africa is rich in mineral and in resources in the form of labor. By 1963 the winds of change in Africa had begun, African countries were being liberated from their colonial rule and rising to independence in their countries. With the freedom from colonial rule however came many consequences. More often than not the liberation movements took up a Marxist ideology in the governance of the country they had so long fought for. This saw a tremendous decline in African countries economies which still affects them today. However Botswana’s Leadership of their liberation movement opted to go for a capitalist approach in an attempt to maximize profits for all the potential and existing industry in the country. This decision along with good governance of the country’s industry, strict policies and actions against corruption and

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