
Misconceptions Of Schizophrenia Essay

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The great wall of china is not visible from space, gum takes 7 years to digest, and msg causing headaches are all common misconceptions that most people believe (McCannels) . misconceptions are all around us in society and can even be harmful. Some misconceptions can be about people with mental disabilities like depression, anxiety or schizophrenia. Some common misconceptions about schizophrenic people is that they are crazy and dangerous people; however, these beliefs stem from largely exaggerated stereotypes about people struggling with schizophrenia. The reality of schizophrenia is that it's a disease that just makes life harder for a person instead of ruining it. The disease itself is harmful to a person and makes life more difficult but …show more content…

Schizophrenia is an illness that is usually found later in life. It is most commonly found in ages 16-30 and is more common if a person grows up experiencing trauma throughout your childhood.(“Schizophrenia” pamphlets) A lot of people do not know that schizophrenia can be developed later in life if a person undergoes severe emotional or physical trauma. People with schizophrenia are often thought to be a lost cause or have their life ruined because of it, but the reality is that a person can still operate in the world. It does come with some troubles; however, with side effects such as hallucinations and damage to motor function.(“Schizophrenia” health) So while living with schizophrenia may be hard it is still manageable for a person to still have a life that is not defined by …show more content…

Schizophrenia can often be picked up on or predicted if the gene is found somewhere relatively close to your family tree. Oftentimes at birth if someone is born with the gene for schizophrenia it is not immediately revealed, but rather shows up later in life more closely to post adolescence.(“Schizophrenia” health) Another way scientists and doctors are able to detect schizophrenia is by taking MRI scans of the brain and are able to see deformed parts of the brain and different structure than a normal brian.("Schizophrenia." Schizophrenia) Childhood trauma can be a cause of schizophrenia if combined with the proper genes can be a serious threat for developing it later in life. As well as trauma and gene imbalances research has shown that recreational drugs can have the same effect and increase the risk of schizophrenia later in life. (”Psychedelics”) There are two other reasons that are debated about how schizophrenia can be developed, those being viruses and chemical imbalances. The theory that viruses can attack the brain has little evidence to support it but is still being researched, and the virus attacks parts of the brain that sends signals out to tell you what to feel in your senses. The chemical imbalance theory is popular because of the amount of evidence behind it which states that damage to neuroreceptors can have the same effect as the virus

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