Essay On Interpersonal Communication

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Intrapersonal Communication:
“Intra” means “within or “inside”. Intrapersonal communication is a communicator 's internal use of language or thought. A model which contains a sender, receiver and feedback loop is a useful tool to grasp the concept. It is a common mistake to associate intrapersonal communication as one being crazy or insane, but inner thoughts, feelings, the way we make decisions, to name a few, are how we communicate within. Intrapersonal communication is, in my opinion, the first type of communication that a human develops. As a baby, we communicate within and interpret signals sent by the brain such as hunger, pain and fatigue without being able to communicate verbally. (Cunningham, 1992)
Interpersonal communication:
“Interpersonal communication is an exchange of information between two or more people. It is also an area of study. Communication skills are developed and may be enhanced or improved with increased knowledge and practice. During interpersonal communication there is message sending and message receiving.” (Thompson and Parrot, 2002, p. 680) There is a certain criteria for interpersonal communication. These include: There must be two or more people, verbal and non-verbal codes are used …show more content…

In the I-you relationship, the communicators reveal their true identity and in the I-it relationship, a communicator does not consider the views or needs of the other. The I-you relationship is a two way communication model as feedback, opinion and feelings are taken into account. The I-it relationship is an example of a one way communication model as the communicator is conducting a monologue where only his/her point of view is taken into

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