
Modern Societal Issue Of Misogyny

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The modern societal issue that is misogyny is unrightfully controversial. Many other things have adapted to the modern era to remain politically correct. Religion is not an excuse, nor a valid reason for misogyny. This seems to be the main reason the issue has remained controversial for so long. Religion is not the only thing that has prevented the abolishment of misogyny. We are in some ways conditioned to treat women differently than we treat men. The result of this issue is a stranger, more difficult life for a woman. One gender is not inferior to the other, they are two different things entirely. It’s like comparing apples to bananas, you are not going to reach a conclusion on which is better, because they are too different from each other. …show more content…

We base our lives at least partly around our religion, so it makes sense to take values from it. As time passes, things change. The way someone is treated in society changes from time to time. African Americans used to be treated like property in the US, but once people realized how wrong it was, there were measures taken to integrate them into the new society as equal to everyone else. So why can’t misogyny develop and disappear? Traditions, customs, and religion can not account for misogyny extended existence. Yes, women had a different role is biblical days, but people used to also sacrifice animals very often. Evolution created an issue with sacrificing animals at will just for a ceremony, so we stopped doing it. However, misogyny can’t seem to catch the same …show more content…

Not all Jews keep kosher. Not all Catholics go to Church every Sunday. Not all people that practice Islam pray five times a day. These characteristics of religion have adapted to better fit the modern lifestyle, just as they should. For some reason, one of the most controversial topics in religion has not evolved. Men are not smarter than women. Men are not better than women in any measurable way. Men are not superior to women. With a different way of life (long in the past), women lived different lives than men did starting at a very young age. Neither of their roles were more valuable than the other, but men for some reason decided that they were more important. There are certain things that each of the genders can do with more ease than the other, but this does not make them “better” than the other. They each contribute differently to

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