Modern Time Analysis

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Modern Time is a 1936 comedy film written and directed by Charlie Chaplin. A movie that try to unscroll the life face by the people due to the change of time and new develpoment that is brought to the world which is widely known as Modernisation and Industrialisation. There are lot of good impacts but at the time of 1930s it was dark reign for the common peoples or daily wagers. Charlie tried to depict bitter feelings regarding his moribund art form, but also refers to the plight of the working classes during the Great Depression and also he want to share that many of these changes were far from beneficial Modern in everyday language means 'up to date' or 'contem- porary'. 1900- 1950 was influnce by the spreading of Modernity.Modernity was …show more content…

So large number of people move to the urban cities in search of job.Thus, this period witnessed mass movement from the countryside to the city that lead to urbanisation. Thus population was rapidly increasing in the cities . Cities has become a central economy producer. People who work in large estate follow the principle of Fordism i,e Assembly line working technique for mass production. Originally it is the idea of famous American industrialist Forde which he used for mass production during time of greate depression inoder to manufacture T- ford motorvehicles. The idea change the systematic work of big industries. In modern industries the idea was profoundly use. There was descipline in works people have their own responsiblity. Even though it was a productive system, nervous breakdown was common for the workers. The characteristics shown by the Chaplin is the fact about the assembly line production. The hurried pace of production with specific time,repeatition of same work where a little negligence led to devastation they all do bring lasting damage to the

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