What Is Japan's Modernization Unique?

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“What was Japan’s Modernisation Unique?”
Japan is one of the most modernized countries. In the past, Japan was an agricultural country, then it developed into an industry country. Edo was the name of Tokyo before the Meiji began. The Japanese only had business with the Dutch, Chinese, and English. Now, they opened up to have business with other countries.The Meiji leaders thought that the best way to protect Japan from other countries was to westernize.One way that Japan changed during the Meiji Restoration was that the feudal system ended when the Meiji restoration began 1868. “In 1868, the Tokugawa shogun, who ruled Japan in the feudal period , lost his power and the emperor was restored to the supreme position.” (http://afe.easia.columbia.edu/special/japan_1750_meiji.htm) …show more content…

Germany developed during their industrial revolution. Germany is a country of knowledge and industry, it modernized quickly. One way that Germany developed during their modernisation was the first German textile factory that was built in Ratingen Dusseldorf. In 1784, there was one factory in Germany. It was named after the English model.The first German spinning machines were built in Chemnitz in 1782 and the town then became an explorer in engineering. The second way that Germany modernized quickly was through their education system. During the modernisation “By 1816, Prussia had become the world leader in primary schooling with an average each country register rates had reached an average of 80%.” (http://voxeu.org/article/education-helped-prussia-catch-industrial-revolution) In 1871, the average number of people who could read was 84% of the adult population. Lastly, Germany developed their unification during the modernisation in 1871, Berlin was the capital of the Prussian Empire and served as the capital of Germany after its unification. After Prussia’s victory in the Franco-Prussian War in 1870-1871, Wilhelm I of Prussia was proclaimed German Emperor on 18 January 1871. The unification led to a quick industrialisation in Germany. By the end of the 19th century, only 20% of the population of Germany was still working as peasants and the country’s economic production rivalled that of the United Kingdom. Among …show more content…

Japan modernized, earlier than Germany, in 1868 and Germany modernized slightly later in 1871. In terms of education, Germany had a very sophisticated education system. Japan sent many students to Europe including Germany. The two counties also modernized though unification. Germany became a unified country on 18th January 1871, after the victory from France in the Franco-Prussian War, the different princes of the German states united and announced Wilhelm of Prussia as emperor of the German Empire with Bismarck as the chancellor. Japan was unified during the Tokugawa . Both countries eventually ended their feudal system and unified under a new and better government. A small of industry was created in 1870 to establish overall economic policy and operate certain industries. Model factories were created to provide industrial experience, and and expanded education system offered technical training. By 1900, Japan was fully engaged in an industrial revolution. “The Industrial Revolution in Germany did not begin until the 1800, well over a century after the change of event England.”

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