
Module 1 Assignment

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Informally, I will be constantly collecting data throughout each lesson because the lessons are set up so that the students have time to work with their partner to explore and solve problems, giving me time to circulate and make note of misconceptions to address full class as well as provide immediate feedback and support. This real-time, informal assessments are in the form of turn and talks, write, pair, share, and in pulling equity sticks for students to explain their mathematical reasoning and problem-solving skills to the class. I can formatively check for procedural fluency in seeing the extent to which students are able to solve the problems on their paper and make note of students who need additional support on my clipboard. During lesson 1, I will be assessing what students already know about …show more content…

I will then assess how well they understand scientific notation by asking them to recall prior knowledge and discuss with their partner about what they recall and also their ability to determine from error analysis why a number is written in scientific notation. This provides evidence of their procedural fluency of writing a number in scientific notation, part of the central focus, as well as their mathematical reasoning for justifying why a number is or is not in scientific notation and what could be changed to make it in scientific notation. They will also complete a classwork where they will provide evidence for conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, and mathematical reasoning through error analysis and justifying their work with reasoning. During lesson 2, I will assess students’ mathematical reasoning and problem-solving skills as they decide the best method for performing addition and subtraction in scientific notation. They will show procedural fluency as they work with their partner to add and subtract numbers in scientific

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