Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi: A Hero

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Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
When you think of the word hero you probably think of people like Superman or Batman. Mohandas Gandhi fits the title of hero for these reasons. Gandhi helped India out of violent times with Great Britain. He helped India gain Independence. He knew that violence was not the answer to respond instead he encouraged his the citizens of India to peacefully protest. Batman goes through the night putting criminals to justice, Odysseus draws his bow at the suitors, Gandhi however organizes protests and speeches and fights for India’s rights. Gandhi doesn 't act the same as Batman or Odysseus but he is a hero. Gandhi past and youth shows what qualities he possessed shows how they made him the great leader he was. The story …show more content…

In 1896, Gandhi started a campaign to end racial discrimination by whites toward the Indian people.(Gale) When Gandhi arrived in Africa again to bring his family there news of his campaign traveled and an angry mob stoned and attempted to lynch him. In 1931, Gandhi attended the Second Round Table Conference in London after establishing a pact with the viceroy, Lord Irwin, where civil disobedience would stop regarding the “salt march”. During the Conference, Churchill refused to see him only referring to Gandhi as a “half-naked fakir.”(Gale) In Gandhi’s time in Africa he helped pass a law declaring Indian marriages to be valid. Rather than other leaders that would enforce violence because of the situation India was in, Gandhi enforced Pacifism this influenced peaceful protesting against Britain’s rule. He also strongly promoted civil disobedience towards Britain and was sentenced a few times for it. Gandhi served almost 6 years in total in prison. These contributions of peace and fighting for what he believes in without violence by Gandhi shows that the title hero is