Moral Judgment

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According to the above paragraph it is stated that most of our knowledge are rooted in our experiences and facts are descriptions of the knowledge we hold whereas values are practices that are not rooted in our experiences but are more rooted in our passions and we being human beings are rational and we need reasoning that are in deductive mode because our knowledge of the natural world comes from our experiences rather than reasons because our actions and values are neither rooted in reasons or experiences. We also see that many a times our passions are calm else they tend to become desires and we understand that reasons are in charge of regulating our beliefs and our beliefs are the slave of our desire therefore our actions serve our very …show more content…

Now when we look at education we need to think what is the purpose of education is it looking at what is good or bad or does it aim at moral judgements that are not an expression of our desires but an expression of our moral beliefs which are rooted in moral facts that help people engage in moral judgement because it is an expression of desires. When we have beliefs then moral judgement are to rational criticism and when we think of moral actions then these are beliefs that we may hold to be true or false but not desires. Then what is knowledge? How can we justify knowledge? Is it the truth about things we believe and are these beliefs justified? Now if we question what is that which justifies beliefs then is it vital to the theory of knowledge because understanding is what constitutes justification which forms the basis of knowledge because beliefs are how we understand various views of a concept and how we adapt them in our …show more content…

So should the aim of education be acquisition of knowledge or much more deeper like being a good human being should it always end in means or should it help one raise above just the mere acquisition of knowledge today we see that the aim of education is to end in means of getting a job but can it go beyond to help one realise what it is to be a good human being. When we look at epistemology it is distinguished by three kinds of knowledge mainly

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