Moral Values In Islam

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Quran mentions a number of moral values those Muslims ought to encompass in their character. Following is a discussion about some of such foremost moral values.

“The steadfast, and the truthful, and the reverent, and who spend in Allah 's cause, and who seek pardoning the last part of the night (before dawn)”. (3:17)
This verse emphasizes the several attributes of a believer. These are:
Firstly patience. A believer should have the quality of patience in his personality because it is the characteristic that is helpful in almost every part of life. Being patient, one can bear the difficulties of life without losing faith.
Next moral value is of sincere and obedient worship of Allah. For a Muslim five times a day prayers are obligatory, but, mostly people consider prayers as a duty and hence they perform it unthinkingly. However; the verse emphases on offering prayer with sincerity and obedience.
Third moral value is of spending from the wealth in the name of Allah. For rich people Zakat is an obligation, on the other hand, charity or giving donations is somewhat any one can do, particularly one who have sufficient to give but not abundant to offer in Zakat. So, charity is a moral value that Muslims need to incorporate in their character.
Fourth moral value described in the verse is the worshiping Allah in the last hours of night. This prayer is called the Tahajjud prayer. The reason for this being one of the moral values is that firstly, this prayer is in addition to the

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