Mulk Kaandan Short Story Analysis

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The short story, as the designation displays, is a story that is short. Emerging from earlier oral storytelling traditions, the short story has grown to encompass a body of work as diverse as a world of literature itself. The short story is a work of fiction that can be read in one sitting. It is a work of prose-fiction with fictional features as-plot, characters, setting, dialogue, narration or description and impression. It is more living and significant. It is like filling ocean into a pitcher. In short, it is a complete fiction within a very narrow space. That is why all the Prophets and scholars used story for their teaching and expressing knowledge. Singleness of aim and unity of effect are the two great canons by which the artistic quality of a good story is judged. “The art of the short story has now become so much more exacting than that of the novel that it excels the latter in point of workmanship, insisting as it does on a complete adaption of means to an end, in order that it may give us maximum aesthetic and recreative pleasure.”1 Short stories writers from India such as Mulk Raj Anand, R.K. Narayan and Raja Rao responded to the nationalist movement during Gandhian Era each in his own way-Mulk Raj Anand , the social activist, presenting a true vision of Indian life; Raja Rao experimenting with …show more content…

Narayan, in his long literary career wrote novels and short stories with equal skill and dexterity. Here one thing is very praiseworthy that most writers start their career as a short story writer and then become novelist and end their literary career having become novelist and left writing stories but Narayan did the opposite never left writing short stories. He wrote both novels and short stories side by side and has the fame of writer of

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