
Compulsory Essay

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In this part, the researcher gives a review of selected studies which were carried out in Arab and foreign countries and which are related to the multi sensory approach. Kinney (2013) determined if a multi sensory approach to reading instruction would be effective, as well as engaging, for students in educational first grade classroom. The first level involved classroom study incorporating multimodal approach to guided reading and group instruction and the second phase measured engagement of iPad usage during multi sensory word study instruction. Multimodal approaches can be used for meaningful engagement for literacy instruction for all students. Literacy support activities were linked to Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences. …show more content…

Qualitative data was collected through interviews, focus groups, student work, and a teacher research journal. After analyzing the data, it was revealed that multi-sensory education can lead to student motivation as well as provide an opportunity to use technology and make connections to the outside world. The findings of the study indicated that multi-sensory education can also help teachers to access students' needs and aid in fostering a positive classroom environment. Finally, using a teaching approach that targets the senses promotes the development of a student-centered classroom, and can encourage students, who may have been silent within traditional classroom to emerge and have a voice within the multi-sensory classroom. Teaching through multi-sensory approach has many implications for new teachers, such as this teacher researcher, who are seeking ways to actively and meaningfully engage students within the …show more content…

This study makes use of the interactive learning model proposed by Johnston (2009) and explores the extent this multi sensory early literacy program compliments the four learning patterns proposed in Johnston’s theory. The data were collected through a questionnaire given to all nine teachers working with the Early Years of the school. Teachers unanimously perceived the multi sensory program as respectful of the four learning patterns to each of the 16 themes of the questionnaire. This study assured that the multi sensory techniques developed and designed by Muscat are inclusive strategies and respectful of the learners’ individual learning

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