Analysis Of Van Tieghem's The Birth Of Tragedy

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According to him tragedy perishes with the loss of the spirit of music which can be reborn only from this spirit. Music is the essence of tragedy and the universal language. It represents the metaphysical of everything physical in this world. Music brings out joy involved in the annihilation of individual. Dionysian is far more redemptive where we experiences the collapse of our self, so we need to re-establish the union with Dionysian as it is lost in tragedies for ages. Dionysian overpowers the Apollonian element when the tragedy ends with a sound which could never emanate from the other. And the Apollonian is therefore the careful veiling of the intrinsically Dionysian effect during the performance. This effect is so powerful that it forces Apollonian drama to speak with Dionysian wisdom. The highest goal of tragedy is attained through this fraternal union of the two deities in tragedy; when both speak the language of others. Ultimately it indicates that art is not as easy –harmonious product, it has its own tension behind creation. Thus, The Birth of Tragedy is an early example of comparative study as a mode of oppositional cultural criticism, blending …show more content…

The French school have limited the comparative study by making distinction between influence, reception, borrowing and imitation.Van Tieghem’s distinction between general and comparative literature is being criticised by Wellek. According to Van Tieghem, Comparative Literature is confined to the study of interrelations between two literatures, where general literature is concerned with the movements and fashions which sweep through several literatures. His definition of Comparative Literature study as the study of sources and influences leads to a more simple causal relationship analysis which reduces the significance of Comparative Literature. His study of sources and influences was part of the nineteenth century literary

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