
Mussolini And Stalin Similarities

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Stalin vs. Mussolini During the 1930s and 1940s, two leaders by the name of Joseph Stalin and Benito Mussolini were in control of the Soviet Union and Italy. Stalin and Mussolini were very similar, but yet so different. Stalin was born on December 18, 1879, and eventually changed his name from Losif Dzhugashvili to Joseph Stalin. For more than two decades, Stalin ruled the Soviet Union. Benito Mussolini was born on July 29, 1883. As of 1919 Mussolini created the Fascist Party in Italy. (www.biography.com) Both Stalin and Mussolini made themselves dictators. Joseph Stalin was a dictator of the Soviets and Benito Mussolini was a dictator of Italy prior to WW2. Stalin was a general secretary of the Communist Party in 1922. He took his chance to take control of all party members. Stalin composed something called “ the five-year plan”. This plan consisted of building heavy industry, improving transportation, and increasing farm output. The government owned all businesses and distributed all resources. The Soviet Union soon developed a command economy. A command economy is where government …show more content…

He gave women free jobs, and children free education. He gave them free education so as they started to grow up and learn about fascism, they would eventually believe in it. Soon Mussolini had the youth on his side, along with some adults. (p.538) Stalin had a personal goal to gain as much power as he could for himself in the Soviet Union, and to maintain power. To do this he wanted everyone to speak russian, which he called russification. He also wanted everyone to be atheist. Atheism is when you don’t believe in any God.(p.547) Stalin and Mussolini were very similar, but different. Stalin was born on December 18, 1879, and changed his name from Losif Dzhugashvili to Joseph Stalin. For more than two decades, Stalin ruled the Soviet Union. Benito Mussolini was born on July 29, 1883. As of 1919 Mussolini created the Fascist

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