My Encounters: A Short Story

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My encounter It was a late cold afternoon somewhere around 7ish on a Saturday. I´m 6 at the time. I was at my grandma's house with my mom and we were looking for costumes for Halloween. I walk to the front door and see a giant skeleton that sing old songs and dances. It doesn't work anymore because of the little kids kept moving his arms and legs. We travel through the house to the garage. My grandma has always kept old Halloween stuff. Costumes, lights, blow ups, you name it and she had it. I open the big wardrobe to expect the nasty smell of dead rats and rat pellets. I find a costume that I like and go to leave with my mom. We walk through the house and prepare to leave when my grandma stops us. ¨Did you find one that you liked?¨ I shook my head in answer. I sit on the floor and begin to play with my little cousin as my grandma starts to talk to my mom. They make their way to the door and my mom sees her van on. She stares at my grandma and confusion. ¨I swear I turned it off. I have the keys,¨ I hear her say. She jingles them back and forth and she has a scared look on her face. The unusual activity starts by the radio starting on its own. ¨Maybe it's just Austin,¨ Grandma declares that it was Austin, my older …show more content…

Jennifer had a lot of encounters also. All of us, me, mom, grandma, step-dad, Jenny, her boyfriend, and her son Seth. We follow her to her bathroom. Finally, we made it to the bathroom. She tells us all about what happened the day before. A few minutes later we all hear a knock at the door. Jeff, my step-dad, and I got downstairs to see who was at the door. I open it up and no one is there. I just told myself that someone was ding dong ditching. Then I realize that Jenny lives in the middle of nowhere. I walk outside without Jeff and the door slams shut. The horses in the barn start to freak out and so do I. I could hear them banging on the door of their

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