Important Decision In Life

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What is the most important decision in life? Is it where you want to live, who you want to live with, or is it if you should have children? All of these questions are important, but none of these questions are the most important. The most important question in life is what you want to do as a career, for your career will determine how you can answer the other questions in your life. As a student, with two years left of free education, I will soon have to make a decision on what my answer to this question is. Currently, I believe I want to become an aerospace engineer. This career will require me to go to a prestigious school, and a school of this scale will require a strong SAT for me to be accepted. The SAT test allows students to be ranked …show more content…

This account is how we feel about our self. It is like a checking account for our own self worth. As a whole, I feel pretty good about myself. I maintain high grades and have a couple friends; however, I will admit when I make a bad mistake it will take me a long time to let go and forgive myself. The first habit was “Be Proactive”. This habit states that we should make decisions based on our values and not based on our immediate reaction. It basically means that we need to think before we act. I feel I am pretty good about this considering I nearly had a two by four slam in my head in woodshop that could of killed me, but I remained calm and did not freak out on the kid who almost killed me. The second habit is “Begin with the End in Mind”. This habit basically commands us to take control over how our life goes and not to let others control our destiny. In other words, the only path you should follow is the one that you make for yourself. I could not honestly say I am effective at this habit. I am more of a follower than a leader and I have not been given any choices that would be life changing. The third habit is “Put First Things First”. It says that you need to plan with priorities first and end with fun activities. This habit says if you follow this pattern you will be able to complete everything you need to and still find time to enjoy yourself. I already have practiced …show more content…

Unlike the previous habits, this habit pertains to how someone should work rather than how someone should act. It states that you need to take breaks and renew yourself or your tools as you work through tedious challenges. The reasoning for this is that pushing through a challenge is more likely to take more time than taking a break and finding a faster way. I tend to push through things so I can finish, so I will need more practice in this

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