Analysis Of In My Mother's House By Sandra Ponzanesi

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singular. The succour faced by Sudha in the novel is similar to the postmodern woman faced by all souls stuck between crosswords of tradition and modernity .When sure aspect of conservative pattern of life become gloomy and tormenting, one wishes to tear apart all limits and escape into a world where everything is replete with novelty, glory and adventure. The mothers begin to lead fulfilling life with a social purpose. They listen to the music that they resembling and take walks where they please. They no longer worry about the social disgrace attached to a divorcee and keep Sudha with them. They lovingly take care of her daughter. The final gesture of the refusal of patriarchal norms and the acceptance of the rules of the new female universe is the gifting of the ruby left to them by Sudha’s father to Dayita ,Sudha’s daughter. The mothers have joined book societies and …show more content…

In the private area, the traditional Indian culture requires specific duty of women and strict norms of ethics are held in high value and are transgressing only by those considered brave and immoral. Sandra Ponzanesi in her essay “In My Mother’s House” states: ‘’As far as the condition of immigration and Diaspora is concerned, women are often called to protect their nation through the reinstatement of a conventional home in the new country. The idea of home entails the conservation of traditions, inheritance, and continuity; there is even an intense emotive politics of dress for some communities. (AM245). The home is the locus of tradition for South Asian Diasporas families, and within this sphere, traditional gender roles often endure while outside the home, there is a dramatic shift in the nature of cultural expectations. The image of the submissive Indian woman stems from Indian mythology and the manner in which Indian females are represent in

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