Reflection: My Life After The Student Teaching Program

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Teaching was never my first choice. Actually, I was told to take this course. Though, I know that I am capable of teaching, assisting, informing every person that needs help. I know that I have potential in speaking among large group of people, from the quality of the voice to unconscious actions during speaking, I easily knew it, and it might be the reason why the people around me urged me to take up this course, this teaching field. Sorry, it was not my passion, but I chose to have no choice and decided to obey what is told. One ironic thing is that, the setup from my elementary to secondary is modular; it is far different from the actual teacher-student interaction, just imagine the confusion of a licensed mechanic that was set into being …show more content…

From the physical needs that are essential for a teacher to the motivation and passion to pursue teaching. As stated in Crowe’s Book Hands on Deck “Never take criticism as something that will bring you down; take it as a motivation to improve your performance” The student teaching program was like a window of unnoticed thoughts and actions, it makes you realize that you have been doing something wrong from the start. However, it also shows you things that you are strong about. It’s all about strength and weaknesses. It is comprised with the reality of things that you need to improve and those that you need the change. Again, it will never be helpful if you won’t take criticism as motivation to be better. At first, my cooperating teacher keeps on telling me about the way I stood up in front of class, I thought that I was doing well, not until she told me those. After that I’ve been sensitive with the way I stand in front of class. There were lots of things that I could say, I’ve improved. You won’t have the utmost outcome of improvement if you will wait for suggestion and comments; there were things that you yourself need to observe in order to be lot

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